My residency officially began with an introduction to the congregation on the 7
th July. This being said I have been spending time in the church painting, sketching and meeting the people that make up the church. My first outing was arriving with a sketch book and sitting in the back of the church feeling a little conspicuous while I drew some quick sketches of the building and some of the audience. I took the plunge later in June with taking my easel and paints. I ended up having an impromptu interview and being filmed for Ideas 1 our new arts community information website. I produced a large picture of the interior of the church to the sounds of the organ. I love making marks to the rhythm of the music. It’s totally unconscious but adds to the feel of the painting. I used water based oils on paper and worked in some chalk pastel after the work had dried. I had in mind the capturing of the people listening but they I was too far in the background to capture. I think this was good as my scratching might have been distracting.

My next outing to church was for the pop-up sewing café… My, those ladies can talk! I think I missed a lot of the action as I was on a time limit but there was a chance for some quick notes and a bowl of the homemade soup before heading out. This may become one of the large themed paintings that I am planning.
This Tuesday I came to the organ recital and drew some quick pen and ink drawings of John giving his talk and of the audience. Someone commented that they looked like a court scene. CSI Peterborough? I was invited to join John and some others for a post-performance coffee. Great Chatting about art and music as John is also an artist.

I forgot to push Publish so here goes a bit late and more news to follow :) [contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Website' type='url'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]