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Processing an image from concept through to final monoprint..

Working on monoprints is a very different process to painting and they allow me to have fun and create new images from ideas in my mind. I like that i have to work fast and loose and get the image before the ink/ paint dries. In this latest piece I started with and image i took from facebook. (no I won't place the original image in case its an infringement of rights) the point is I just needed a reference point. I created a likeness using charcoal, pastel and chalk. This image was then overlayed with a sheet of perspex and then working with acrylic and and a spray water bottle to get the paint to flow. I used a light paper to make the prints and each had to be repainted before making a new image. The paper has a light blue hue and this adds to the dimensions of the black and "white" image. I will include images of the screen on the carpet after printing.IMG_2079IMG_2076 IMG_2077 IMG_2078 IMG_2080 IMG_2083

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