Art classes now offered ... to book see blog below

Art classes October 2024 - For the Joy of paint

Have you seen the piano on channel 4?  When the finalists go through the coaching stage they ask the pianist to find their inner passion. For me painting is the same.

The joy of painting in untold. I believe anyone can draw and paint. It's a great skill to have and the more you practice the better you become. In this series of classes we will be looking a range of themes from using a variety of media. Bring whatever you love to work with and I will help you find a style that unique to you. 

Starting 2 October every Wednesday for 5 weeks 

Day session 12.30 to 14.30

Evening session 18.30 to 20. 30 

£60 for all 5 or pay as you at £15 a session.  Bring your own equipment

Week one 

Playing with colour. Yes .. through play we learn colour theory 

Week two

Blooming marvellous . The summer is over and we create memories of the season that has just been

Week three

Hey Fido! Your pet is special to you. We look at finding personality in your fur ( feather or fish) friend

Week four

People in motion. Dance the night away with and interesting look at the human form

Week five

Big and bold

We will find you favourite subject from the past weeks and make it big and bold. Learn not to be afraid of letting go and enjoying what you make


You always welcome to come to any session with your own work and I'll help you find those moneys of joy 




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